onsdag 12 augusti 2020

Waiting on Wednesday - Tilly and the Map of Stories


Waiting on Wednesday startades av Jill från Breaking the spine . Det är till för att visa upp kommande böcker man längtar lite extra till.

Tilly and the Map of Stories av Anna James
17:e september 2020

"Third in the modern-classic and bestselling bookwandering series that celebrates all that is best in life: books, adventure, friendship – and cake.

Strange things are happening. A man comes into Pages Co looking for a book… then suddenly can’t remember it. Tilly and her family feel like the world is changing – but can’t quite put their finger on why.

Meanwhile, the Underwoods are expanding their control over bookwandering – and they still have their sights set on Tilly. Leaving the safety of the bookshop, Tilly heads to America to find the legendary Archivists and save bookwandering…

… or at least, that’s the plan. Wandering in layers of story, Tilly and her friend Oskar come up against dangers they could never have expected, team up with an unexpectedly familiar face, and ultimately find themselves taking on the biggest threat to stories there has ever been – with only their courage and ingenuity to help them. As well as some of their dearest fictional friends…"


Då jag älskade första och andra boken så längtar jag givetvis efter den tredje! Kan det bli september nu?? 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Härligt att du inte behöver vänta så länge på den här! Håller med dig, kan det bli September snart?? ;)

    1. Längtar så! Haha ja jag är redo för hösten :D


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