onsdag 18 oktober 2017

Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare

Titel: Clockwork Prince 
Cassandra Clare
The Infernal Devices #2
Antal sidor:
December 2011

Beskrivning från Goodreads:
In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position, Tessa will be out on the street—and easy prey for the mysterious Magister, who wants to use Tessa’s powers for his own dark ends.

With the help of the handsome, self-destructive Will and the fiercely devoted Jem, Tessa discovers that the Magister’s war on the Shadowhunters is deeply personal. He blames them for a long-ago tragedy that shattered his life. To unravel the secrets of the past, the trio journeys from mist-shrouded Yorkshire to a manor house that holds untold horrors, from the slums of London to an enchanted ballroom where Tessa discovers that the truth of her parentage is more sinister than she had imagined. When they encounter a clockwork demon bearing a warning for Will, they realize that the Magister himself knows their every move—and that one of their own has betrayed them.

Tessa finds her heart drawn more and more to Jem, but her longing for Will, despite his dark moods, continues to unsettle her. But something is changing in Will—the wall he has built around himself is crumbling. Could finding the Magister free Will from his secrets and give Tessa the answers about who she is and what she was born to do?

As their dangerous search for the Magister and the truth leads the friends into peril, Tessa learns that when love and lies are mixed, they can corrupt even the purest heart.

Jag tyckte om första boken i trilogin, Clockwork Angel men Clockwork Prince tyckte jag ännu mer om.
Precis som i första boken så älskar jag verkligen miljön som de befinner sig i, det viktorianska London.

Handlingen var spännande och hade ett lite högre tempo än första boken även om vissa delar var en aning långsamma också men det gjorde ingenting för jag jag har börjat gillat karaktärerna mer och mer och Tessa och Jem är mina favoriter och jag tycker mycket om dem tillsammans och även var för sig.
En annan karaktär som jag bara tycker om mer för varje Cassandra Clare bok är Magnus.
Will har jag fortfarande lite svårt för precis som i första boken och jag tror tyvärr inte att min åsikt kommer ändra sig i den tredje boken heller, men man vet ju aldrig.

Jag ser verkligen fram emot att läsa Clockwork Princess snart för jag vill veta hur allt kommer att sluta!

“It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them.”

Betyg 8/10

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