söndag 17 september 2023

The Stolen Prince of Cloudburst - Jaclyn Moriarty

Titel: The Stolen Prince of Cloudburst 
Jaclyn Moriarty
Kingdoms and Empires #3
Antal sidor:
September 2021
Finns hos:

Beskrivning från Goodreads:
Esther Mettlestone-Staranise (cousin to Bronte) is looking forward to another year at Katherine Valley Boarding School. But she arrives to find a number of strange and unsettling changes. Her new teacher is rumoured to be an Ogre. The mountains surrounding the school - usually a delight of glaciers, teashops, lakes and Faeries - are now crowded with wicked Shadow Mages. Meanwhile, on the other side of the kingdom, the little Prince of Cloudburst who was stolen from the seashore by a Water Sprite, has found his way home. The King and Queen are planning the biggest party in their Kingdom's history to welcome him.

As secrets and dangers escalate, Esther - who is not talented like her sisters, nor an adventurer like her cousin - must find answers to several puzzles. Why is her teacher behaving so oddly? Which of Esther's classmates is the Spellbinder? And could the Stolen Prince of Cloudburst be connected in some way? Perhaps Esther is more talented than she thinks as she must battle to save her school, her family, and possibly her whole world Esther Mettlestone-Staranise (cousin to Bronte) is looking forward to another year at Katherine Valley Boarding School. But she arrives to find a number of strange and unsettling changes. Her new teacher is rumoured to be an Ogre. The mountains surrounding the school - usually a delight of glaciers, teashops, lakes and Faeries - are now crowded with wicked Shadow Mages.

The Stolen Prince of Cloudburst är tredje boken i serien Kingdom and Empires och jag älskade den här boken!

Handlingen var spännande, fartfylld och även om det var lite förutsägbart så gjorde det ingenting för det var en fröjd att läsa!
Karaktärerna fångade mitt hjärta, jag tyckte så mycket om dem och det var så roligt att få följa dem.
Författarens språk är också magiskt och fängslande.
Den här serien har blivit en av mina favoriter när det kommer till middle grade , dessutom är alla omslagen i den här serien helt otroligt fina!

Betyg 8,5/10

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